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来自网友英语idm意思翻译和含义提问 提问时间:2023-09-17 07:09:10阅读次数:8








insectivora species───食虫纲

frail synonym───脆弱同义词

ass pillow───**枕头

fructose metabolism───果糖代谢

ghost riders in the sky───天空中的幽灵骑士

corroboration define───确证定义

buckeye recruits───七叶树新兵

substantively legal───实质上合法的

glide into───渐变为

give a bill───付账单


IDM configure allows the users to configure any number of IS libraries.───IDM Configure允许用户配置任意数量的is库。

Using IDM Configure, you can set or modify aitional preferences per the requirement for each library.───可以使用IDM Configure根据每个库的需求设置或修改额外首选项。

Trend of IDM Outsource and Opportunities for China Semiconductor Packaging &**p; Testing Companies .───的 IDM 外包趋势与中国半导体封装产业的机遇?。

Construe infor**tion from Daktronics Intelligent Device **nagement system (IDM) to determine if issues need to be elevated.───评估和分析达科公司智能设备管理系统所反映的信息,并且判断该信息是否应引起重视。

Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase download speeds by up to 5 times, resume and schedule downloads.───互联网下载管理器(IDM)是一个工具,增加高达5倍的****,恢复和进度下载。

Comprehensively speaking, IDM is the most suitable to work as the theoretical foundation of discourse structure annotation.───总体来看,IDM比较适合作为语篇结构标注的理论基础。

Monitor System perfor**nce of display systems using Daktronics Intelligent Device **nagement system (IDM) and Webc** where available.───利用达科公司智能设备管理系统和网络画面来监督各显示器系统的工作状况。

As an IDM, BCD Semi integrates product design and process technology to optimize product perfor**nce and cost.───作为一家IDM公司,BCD半导体藉由产品设计和工艺技术的整合来优化产品的性能和成本。

Initializer defines shared memory id m_shmid and a se**phore ms_mutex for synchronous event handling.───Initializer定义了共享内存的idm_shmid和一个用来处理同步事件的信号量ms_mutex。


In charge of process and IDM improvement and cost saving projects.

Beijing IDM institution of bio - technology's operation scope is research on life sciences and biomedicine.

Using IDM, we can realize high-speed digital communication on the voice band or improve the capability of a system to suppress noise.

The Trend of IDM Outsource and Opportunities for China Semiconductor Packaging &**p; Testing Companies .

As IDM, BCD Semi integrates product design and process technology to optimize product perfor**nce and cost.

Conclusion The appropriate application of IDM in surgery of patients with parasellar tumors can help to reduce the harm to blood vessel and the complication.

Objective To discuss the significance of intraoperative Doppler monitoring(IDM) in parasellar tumors surgery.





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