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来自网友啄木鸟英语单词发音提问 提问时间:2022-09-10 06:46:19阅读次数:48






英 [ˈwʊdpekə(r)] 美 [ˈwʊdpekər]  



The woodpecker pecked a hole in the tree. 



1. 一个樵夫和一只啄木鸟住在森林里。

A woodcutter and a woodpecker lived in the forest.


2. 啄木鸟在树上啄了一个洞。

The woodpecker pecked a hole in the tree.


3. 一千只啄木鸟从窗口飞进来,落在皮诺乔的鼻子上。

A thousand woodpeckers flew in through the window and settled themselves on Pinocchio's nose.

4. 如果大自然给你的是寂静,那就尽情享受吧,或者随着啄木鸟的啄啄声而兴奋吧。

Savor the silence, if that's what nature serves up, or thrill to the tap-tap of the woodpecker.

5. 军方花了数年的时间才想出一个可行的啄木鸟保护策略——这一教训如今正影响着他们的保护工作。

It took years for the Army to hit on a workable strategy for the woodpecker—a lesson that is informing its conservation work today.

6. 象牙喙啄木鸟不像鸟那样大。它的大小和乌鸦差不多,但更华丽。

The ivory-billed woodpecker is not large, as birds go. It is about the size of a crow, but flashier.

7. 两个团体称象牙嘴啄木鸟已经灭绝。

Two groups say the ivory-billed woodpecker is extinct.

8. 东半球有特殊的扭脖子习惯的啄木鸟。

Old World woodpecker with a peculiar habit of twisting the neck.

9. 结果啄木鸟的数量开始反弹。

The woodpecker population rebounded.

10. 例如,白背啄木鸟和八哥。

These ones, for exple, are white-backed woodpecker and starling.

11. 啄木鸟酒店是世界上最小的酒店之一。

The Woodpecker Hotel is ong the sllest in the world.

12. 西部雪鸻鸟、橡实啄木鸟和游隼。

Western S*y Plover , Acorn Woodpecker, and Peregrine Falcon.

13. 鹧鸪和啄木鸟在树木里咕咕地叫,笃笃地敲。

Partridges and woodpeckers were booming and knocking in the forest.

14. “那是怎样回事呢?”啄木鸟医师皱起了眉头。

"That's how it happened?" Woodpecker doctor frowned.

15. 这时,飞来了一只啄木鸟,在老苹果树上啄呀啄。

At this time, a woodpecker flew on the old apple peck peck it.

16. 他四下看了看,看见啄木鸟正站在一个树桩上哭呢。

He looked around and saw the bird standing on a stump and crying.

17. 这时,飞来了一只啄木鸟,在老苹果树上啄呀啄。

At that moment, a bird flew in and picked up the old apple tree.

18. 啄木鸟把虫子一只一只啄掉,直到把所有虫子消灭光。

Woodpeckers peck the bugs out a one, until all the bugs perish.

19. “那一定是啄木鸟,”赫伯特一面说,一面打算走近些。

"That must be a jacar," said Herbert, trying to get nearer.

20. 但倘若看到的是一只啄木鸟的话那她就不会找到如意郎君。

But if it's a woodpecker she will find no n at all.

21. 它是一种啄木鸟,可以锤击树木,喜欢在地面上觅食,往往掘地来寻找蚂蚁。

Flickers are woodpeckers that can hmer trees but prefer to forage on the ground. They often dig in the dirt for ants.

22. 研究啄木鸟为什么不头痛和金龟子是否喜欢吃大粪的科学家们终于得到了肯定。

Scientists who pioneer research into why woodpeckers do not get headaches and whether dung beetles like their *t have at last been recognized for their work.

23. 那时候,他家里还留着一点,在底部还有斧痕和啄木鸟啄过的痕迹。

He had some of it in his shed then. There were rks of an axe and of woodpeckers on the butt.

24. 研究啄木鸟为什么不头痛和金龟子是否喜欢吃大粪的科学家们终于得到了肯定。

Scientists who pioneer research into why woodpeckers(1) do not get headaches and whether dung beetles(2) like their *t have at last been recognized for their work.

25. 在Brinkley,理发师提供的“红冠”发型能使你看起来象啄木鸟。

In Brinkley, the barber offers an“ivorybill” haircut that kes you look like one.

26. 最后一次在北美上对象牙嘴啄木鸟无争议的观测是在1944年的美国路易斯安那州。

The last undisputed report of an ivory-billed woodpecker in continental North America was in Louisiana in 1944.

27. 最后一次在北美上对象牙嘴啄木鸟无争议的观测是在1944年的美国路易斯安那州。

The last undisputed report of an ivory-billed woodpecker in continental North America was in Louisiana in 1944.





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